
Ministry Velocity: The Power for Leadership Momentum is unavailable, but you can change that!

Pastors and church leaders often find the velocity of ministry to be a challenge. Sometimes it comes much too fast; other times it’s way too slow. How can you lead a church that is stalled to begin moving again in the right direction? And then, when you experience success, how do you maintain and harness that momentum to effectively lead the church to its next level? Wayne Schmidt addresses both...

Momentum Builder Momentum is developed by recognizing the need for a new beginning. Momentum Buster Momentum is drained by denying the need for change. Imagine driving through your community looking for a church that can help fill the nagging void in your life. You stop at a church near your neighborhood, even though it appears stuck in time. You guess that the church was built sometime in the 1960s, and the last real care it received took place in the 1980s.
Pages 15–16